All Diets Types and Their Explanations - How to Navigate and Choose the Best One For You
"The Low carb Diet system is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet developed by Robert Low carb, M.D., during the 1960s. In the early 90's, Dr. Low carb brought his diet back into the nutrition spotlight with the publication of his best-selling book "Dr. Atkins' New Diet system Revolution".

The Low carb Diet system seriously reduces the consumption of carbohydrate-rich foods and encourages the consumption of necessary protein and fat. The food is divided into four phases: Introduction, Continuous Bodyweight Reduction, Pre-maintenance, and Servicing. During the Introduction stage (the first 14 days of the diet), carbs consumption is limited to no more than 20 grms per day. No fruit, bread, grains, starchy vegetables, or milk products (except cheese, cream, and butter) are allowed during this stage. During the Continuous Bodyweight Reduction stage, people experiment with various levels of carbs consumption until they figure out the most liberal stage of carbs consumption that allows them to continue to get slimmer. Dieters are encouraged to sustain this stage of carbs consumption until how much loss goals are met. During the Pre-maintenance and Servicing stages, people figure out the stage of carbs consumption that allows them to sustain how much. To prevent weight regain, people are told to sustain this stage of carbs consumption, perhaps for the rest of their lives. According to Dr. Low carb, most people must limit their carbs consumption to no more than 60 grms per day to keep missing excess weight off. In addition to the nutritional restrictions discussed above, Dr. Low carb suggests physical exercise and nutritional supplements as part of his fat reduction plan.
Note: The nutritional recommendations issued by various organizations, including the United States Department of Farming, the National Institutions of Health, and the American Heart Association, encourage a daily carbs consumption of approximately 300 grms. To keep in good health, you will need to consume five times more what Low carb suggests in his diet plans. Can a human being last lengthy enough on this diet without experiencing any side effects? If the slimmer dares to cheat on this system, the result can be detrimental and the load can be obtained easily, twice as much as what has been missing during the diet plan. The quick excess weight brings about eventual depression and the slimmer will eventually reach his original weight before the load loss.
What is so eye-catching about the diet plan that so many individuals have taken the persistence to apply?
High-protein diet plans are the fad routines of the moment. Their concept for weight loss consists of consuming lots of creature necessary protein and skipping carbohydrates such as bread, rice and pasta. The concept behind these diet plans is that if you load up on creature necessary protein, you will feel bigger faster, so you'll end up consuming less.
The Low carb Diet system is eye-catching to people who have tried ineffectively to get slimmer on low-fat, low-calorie diet plans. Low carb people can eat as many calories as desired from necessary protein and fat, provided that carbs consumption is restricted. Consequently, many Low carb people are saved the feelings of hunger and deprivation that accompanies other weight loss routines.